On Monday 8th August, the Talalla Support Group were guests at the foundation stone ceremony for the building of the Community Hall. The day was full of colour and happiness as the whole Talalla community came together for the commencement of this wonderful project.
Our charity, headed by Lawrie Rose, a Jewish man, is funding the Hall, to be built by a Muslim man, Mr Uwaiz, on a Buddhist site for the benefit of local Talalla people of many varying religions and backgrounds. This is brought so much joy and optimism to everyone taking part in the project, as an area of such a diversity is brought together in such unity, proving we can all work and play together with a little respect and understanding. In my opinion, it is the way the world should be.
The day started mid morning, as we followed the students of the Sunday Dharma class, elaborately dressed in traditional Sinhalese costumes, singing, playing instruments and dancing up the driveway to the site. On arrival we were presented with Betel leaves by some of the Montessori preschool children, and then sacred white flowers, which we took up to the temple and presented to Buddha.
Next on the agenda, the Talalla Support Group, the builders, some local council members and respected gentlemen were all presented with a brick each. We lined up along a trench, which was dug in the area where the Community Hall is being built, and one by one we placed our bricks in the ground and covered them with cement provided.
A lot of credit goes to Mr Pinsiri, a local teacher who was also a victim of the Tsunami, he has selflessly given much of his time to organising this event as well as the planning for the construction of the Community Hall.
By Jess Brown.