There is much to report about our Talalla Bay adventures since the last entry and since finishing the tsunami relief work, which first brought us here.
As we fell in love with the life and people of Talalla we realised there was more that we could do to help the community, and so we, cousins Jess and Hayley, developed a clothing label with an idea to manufacture domestically from Talalla Bay, to generate livelihoods and support an industry from within the very heart of the village.
We have been dedicated to our cause working out of Sydney and Sri Lanka to develop KissinCussin, aptly named for the two of us life-loving cousins and the journey we started in Talalla together.
From humble beginnings, two years ago, we produced a range of cute summer dresses for the market stalls of Australia. Since then, in leaps and bounds, we have made much progress and have a great following in Australia of women eager to support our outlook and buy our stand out designs.
If you wish to see KissinCussin’s current collection please visit
Increased popularity and demand for our label means we have managed to double the number of employees in Talalla Bay, again set to rise by 100% next year. Our team of local ladies is headed by Nishanti, and we all come to her house each day to work.
Through KissinCussin, stocked widely across Australia, we hope to continue in our efforts to generate further employment in Talalla and to help the wider community. We aim to implement vocational education classes, for the community hall of Talalla Bay, which was built during our work for the tsunami relief project.
This has been the most amazing experience from the beginning until now and it only gets better as more opportunities for Talalla Bay present themselves, if we can assist some of the many gifted and talented people here, to give them some opportunity to realise and follow their own dreams, as we have been able to follow ours, then it is all the more worthwhile.
These pictures can tell our story infinitely better than words so please take a look to follow the amazing adventure we started and which, by no means, is over. We will be updating regularly with images and insights so please stay in touch at this address to learn more about the KissinCussins and Talalla Bay – Enjoy xx