We arrived in Talalla Bay on the 3rd February, five weeks after the tsunami had hit. The site that took hold was one of pure ruin, most houses knocked down completely or damaged beyond recognition, few remain unharmed.
People sit around and sift through broken piles of rubbish adjacent to their homes - or what is left of them - to see what can be salvaged, scrambling for anything they can find.
Clearing the massive debris left from the effects has been our first objective. A tumultuous task in itself as devastation is still rife. We employ up to 25 workers daily so that they are able to earn an income, this eventually might see their lives returned to some level of normality while we ascertain who needs help.
It is predominantly women who arrive to work each morning and their sense and undertaking of the task in hand is overwhelming. With inappropriate tools – sticks, broken brooms and gloves - the women scrape and tear at rubble. At first glance moral seems very low but you only have to speak or gesture with universal actions and their beautiful smiles take hold. It really is astonishing to hear their stories, told through gracious faces that mask incredible suffering.
In the village some piles have now been formed and lie smouldering, whilst much of the area is still blanketed in rubble. After day one the task is seemingly hopeless in the chaos. Once the area has been cleared we will make steps towards the next stage of reconstruction.
We worked with the women for most of today, building bridges and earning trust, which seems to come so effortlessly to these wonderful people.