We have sourced a new village to begin clearing known as Talalla Central. The initial work in Talalla continues but is almost complete.
There is a lot still to clear around the circumference of the beach and the team we have placed there are moving quickly. Until now many locals have been afraid to go near the water but it’s encouraging to see that they're beginning to return. Their confidence grows, and the former beauty of the bay will soon be restored. Damaged boats and matter cast from the wave lie scattered, but step-by-step all should soon be cleared.
Talalla Central is still entirely devastated, they haven’t yet received any aid. The village is smaller and more manageable as only 47 people reside and the locals are so grateful to receive our help. They have started work with fresh enthusiasm and positivity.
As there are three teams now to supervise much organization is required. Our trusty translator Ratner sets objectives each morning and the team listens on intently.